We would love for you to join us for church on Sunday! To help in planning your visit, we’d like to point out a few things unique to Landmark. Here’s what to expect.
ENTRANCES We have two entrances to our church parking lots. One to the South off Main Street. This entrance is only accessible coming from East to West on Main St. because of a center median and major stop light. The second entrance is off of 15th Ave. and is accessible from any driving direction. Both entrances enter directly to our parking areas.
PARKING We currently have a gravel parking lot without parking lines but you will notice the “parking pattern.” Two parking lots are available: the South Parking Lot located at the front of the building and the North Parking Lot is located behind the building. Both parking lots offer easy access to entrances to the building.
INFORMATION TABLE Our information table is located in the foyer and would be a great place to start your visit. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, pick up a visitor’s packet if you’d like, or just have a brief conversation before service begins. Please note: if you are using the main entrance at the front of the church, our information table is behind the stairway.
SERVICE TIMES We currently have one service at 10AM. We invite you to enjoy our coffee and donuts before and after the service.
- Nursery (infants – 4yrs.) is available during the 10AM service. Please know that children of all ages are welcome in any of our services as well.
- Kids Church (for ages K – 4th grade) is during the 10AM Service, and you can check your kids in before the service begins. Children will wait to be picked up by a parent or guardian at the conclusion of the service, usually around 11:15.
- Youth Class (For 5th-8th Grade) this class is taught by our Youth Team. The students are in the service with the adults and are dismissed after the worship portion of the service.
All of our children’s workers have been background checked and have fulfilled our 6 month policy, which means they have attended Landmark regularly for 6 months or more.
OUR PEOPLE Landmark is frequently described as a friendly, welcoming environment. Our hope is that everyone who walks through the doors of our church will feel that way, like a friend and welcome.
OUR SERVICES Our services are comfortable and generally last an hour and fifteen minutes. We open with a time of worship. After worship, we offer a brief time of greeting one another. After worship, we are led in a time of prayer. The prayer is led by someone on the stage and has become a wonderful practice at Landmark over the last several years. The message is generally at the end of our service and lasts between 30-40 minutes. Landmark utilizes a speaking team, led by our Senior Pastor, Ed Staton. Song lyrics and bible passages are displayed on screens at the front of the building. We recognize the value of having a bible app on mobile devices and encourage that interaction.
GIVING AND OFFERING Tithe and offerings can be dropped into our offering boxes. We have one at the information table and one on the right hand side of the stage, near the front. We also provide other ways to give, if that interests you.
PREACHING AND TEACHING We value The Bible as the authoritative, inerrant Word of God! Our preaching and teaching is bible-based and our team uses a variety of teaching and preaching methods. Mixing personal stories and illustrations, we hope to convey the truth of God’s Word in ways that are applicable and understandable. Listen to a sermon
MUSIC Landmark has a contemporary worship style, using a full band and worship team. We love what we do and love to use our skills as singers and musicians to honor our King! Our typical service will have current worship music and, at times, some time-tested favorites and beautiful hymns. We appreciate many styles and genres of music, but what we appreciate most, is the opportunity we have to worship our God and Creator. We stand. We sit. We raise our hands. We bow our heads. Some sing loud, some soft, some not at all. Whatever your expression of worship is, our hope is that we will bring God glory and honor through our worship and praise.
WHAT TO WEAR Come as you are! You’ll find most people are dressed casual and comfortable.
MORE QUESTIONS? Contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions. We look forward to meeting you.