“In The Presence Of My Enemies” – Psalm 23:5
June 9, 2019

“In The Presence Of My Enemies” – Psalm 23:5

Passage: Psalm 23:5
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  1. Dave Sturdy

    Thanks Eddie, Psalm 23 is my current preaching series. Thank you for this message it’s helped me today in preparing to speak on Ps 23:5. Discernment indeed is required, having an open policy of ‘everyone is Welcome’ does not mean everyone is welcome to feed at your table, false prophets are happy to tell you what’s wrong, what you need to do, where you need to go, if action had not beet taken to challenge them and their influences the results would have been catastrophic, truly you are right when you say ‘once you invite the wolf to the table it get’s ugly’. Unfortunately the ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing can take years to reveal their true identity’. It really gets ugly when you ‘call them out’ don’t look at what they are saying and doing, it can appear impressive, look at their history of what they have left behind. Blessings Dave Sturdy (Pastor) Mt Hermon Community Church, Bentley, South Yorks, England

    • Landmark

      Thank you Pastor Dave.. This is Eddie and I will make sure your email will not be public. Thank you for your comments and encouragement! From one pastor to another, be encouraged to defend the table set for us, stay the course! Praying for you and your discernment to pastor and to pastor well! Thank you, brother!

  2. Dave Sturdy

    Ps the above email is not for public view , please remove it if it appears, it was just to say thanks.

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  1. Dave Sturdy

    Thanks Eddie, Psalm 23 is my current preaching series. Thank you for this message it’s helped me today in preparing to speak on Ps 23:5. Discernment indeed is required, having an open policy of ‘everyone is Welcome’ does not mean everyone is welcome to feed at your table, false prophets are happy to tell you what’s wrong, what you need to do, where you need to go, if action had not beet taken to challenge them and their influences the results would have been catastrophic, truly you are right when you say ‘once you invite the wolf to the table it get’s ugly’. Unfortunately the ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing can take years to reveal their true identity’. It really gets ugly when you ‘call them out’ don’t look at what they are saying and doing, it can appear impressive, look at their history of what they have left behind. Blessings Dave Sturdy (Pastor) Mt Hermon Community Church, Bentley, South Yorks, England

    • Landmark

      Thank you Pastor Dave.. This is Eddie and I will make sure your email will not be public. Thank you for your comments and encouragement! From one pastor to another, be encouraged to defend the table set for us, stay the course! Praying for you and your discernment to pastor and to pastor well! Thank you, brother!

  2. Dave Sturdy

    Ps the above email is not for public view , please remove it if it appears, it was just to say thanks.

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